Monday 10 November 2008

The Celluloid Orphanage

In yet another testament to the power of viral marketing (oh and, by the way marketing graduates, please stop going to large corporations and trying to 'force' viral marketing campaigns to work by throwing money at them, it's just annoying)..

where was I?

Oh right, The Celluloid Orphanage ostensibly started out with someone throwing all the photos on their computer with no classification into a folder, and putting that up in a Facebook group. There's now a couple of thousand members, and an absolutely bizarre collection of photos. Don't you just love things that don't really seem to have any purpose at all, but still manage to make people smile?

Labyrinth Doorknob
Even more amusing is the comments thread accompanying this photo

Join the dots leg

Extreme generic box

HMV Spelling mistake
Another glorious moment for those aforementioned marketing graduates

Find me some more good ones people.

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