Monday 29 September 2008

Toys for cats

After an exciting trip to Maplin today, we popped into Pets At Home to laugh at the animals who were so unloved by their owners that they're up for adoption. They had some great stuff there...

1. A new friend
Whilst looking at the hamsters, it occurred that I hadn't yet gotten our house's cat - Roscoe - a present for his birthday yet. Now, he's not much of a hunter outdoors, and has yet to bring me back anything dead as a present yet. Quite a disappointment I'm sure you can imagine. about a hamster?


I was thinking we could make a YouTube video, called 'really super cute hamster'. We could film the hamster washing himself, eating little bits of cucumber and playing with bits of string. And, just when the teenage girls have called their mother, little sister and favourite doll over to watch the video, we let Roscoe into the room.

He can chase the hamster around for a bit, catch it, toy with it for a while and then, having ripped its heart out, present it to the camera - smearing the blood all over the lens.

Alternatively I could just get him a little toy mouse stuffed with catnip.

2. Litter Kwitter
"Toilet train your cat" read the box. "Guaranteed results within 6-8 weeks". What?

Litter Kwitter

This little box contains three separate rings which are placed in the human toilet (and hopefully remembered and removed when people are sitting there), and taken away one-by-one until the cat is taking up the bathroom for 15 minutes at a time and filling out all the answers in the crossword in the Sunday papers.


You might think it's a bit wrong to watch this video for more than about 22 seconds. Don't turn it'll see.

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Anonymous said...

Ur sick

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