Saturday 20 October 2007

I love Gib

Two people today have mentioned the lovely picture below, taken on a rather drunken night out to me, in two completely unrelated conversations. I say completely unrelated, but I should point out that they were both half-hearted attempts at blackmail - as if anyone could really win an argument with me...

Ina Gib Kiss
Doesn't my hair look lovely?

Homo-eroticism aside, I do quite like the picture - I'm not just posting it up here to ensure that no-one can try to use it against me. Most people assume it's a guy and a girl kissing (in either permutation), although I have heard one person react with 'cool, lesbians', which was quite amusing. I particularly like the over-exposure on the lips :)

As I reach the end of this rambling post I should point out that the person in the picture who's not me, for those of you who don't know him, is Kieran 'Gib' Hawkes, one of my lovely artists on Tie-Dye Heart. He's the one with the completely illegible signature.

Leave a comment, or read the 2 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

let it be known that he uses too much tounge

Ina said...

Thanks Gib.

Now I have to leave the internet.


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