Friday 21 March 2008


In the old days, when the world was young and innocent, and people lived in caves listening to something called 'wireless', starting a new relationship was a romantic affair. Knees would be bent, poetry offered and perhaps some light jewellery exchanged.

Facebook's made that so much all you need to do is click a few buttons, which causes an email to get sent out, and see what the response is. I do love the phrasing of the email though:

Julie said on Facebook that you two are in a relationship. We need you to confirm that you are, in fact, in a relationship with Julie.

(although, it is annoyingly French Spaced [also, when finding that link on Google I was amused by this: Results 1 - 10 of about 25 from for hate french. (0.23 seconds)] - damn Facebook)

XKCD Facebook Complicated
XKCD proves my point, as always

Should probably point out I clicked accept. Now to wait for my inbox to fill up with people wanting gossip.

Also, this, by the way, is my excuse for the recent quietness of posting on here. Like I needed one..

Also also, it's great having a blog. Means you can just wait for your mother to read the news here, rather than actually telling her in person...hi mum! Look at me! I'm on the internet!

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