Monday 8 January 2007

Back in Brum!

Well, there goes any hope of me getting my coursework finished then. Had an eventful trip up the motorway, with the occasional diversion, and the occasional bit of bad directing from me getting up a bit off course, but got here eventually.

Found Gib here when I arrived, so he Tim and Terra were the witnesses to my first attempt at Free Bird on Expert mode. Unfortunately, I rather let myself down at the 74% mark (halfway through the solo) and sort of....died. Oh well. Then (after some evil LISP) Xander came home, and I had some face-off duels with him. Obviously, I won, but it was quite close - which may have been due to the fact that I was playing my guitar through my legs, behind my head, and cross-hands (though not all at the same time). Additionally, I now have a partner to ace co-op with! w00t. Additionally additionally, 5* on every song on Hard baby ;)

Watched 2001 after that, which was ace. We now need to find some still images of the film to write all over, because we've got some kickass taglines for them - I'll let you see once we do them. Time for coding now :(


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