Sunday 28 January 2007


Well, we've already got wireless radio, wireless networking, wireless USB connections and pretty much everything else you can think of - so one company has decided; Why do we need a separate wire for charging every single one of our devices?

The WildCharger is a portable, wire-free charge-by-contact solution for pretty much any mobile device. So, that's your DS, your PSP, your mobile phone and your laptop all covered from one fairly small pad, along with everything else you're carrying along.

The marketing is a little confusing, as the device still needs one wall socket, and you almost get the impression this thing is completely portable, but it can charge many devices at once, at their full normal charge rate (or such is claimed anyway), which would be damn useful, and of course, save a hell of a lot of carrying.

For some more information, try the official FAQ out - though remember who wrote it...

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