Thursday 20 August 2009

The Midget Manifesto

Do midgets have night vision?

Do midgets have night vision

Above we see four perfectly reasonable and apparently common searches regarding midgets. Google's 'intelligent' prompts aren't always quite so useful though, as highlighted in this thought provoking and witty article oversized image dumped on a shockingly bad webpage.

That aside, it's extremely hard to find a concrete answer on the Internet to the original question. Wikipedia doesn't explicitly say one way or another, and I can't find anything in the Lego Bible about it either.

The Orwellian (Swiftian? Swiftish? Swift? Quite fast really?) Midget Manifesto states that night vision (along with subservience and non-intelligence) are desirable traits for midgets, but until someone explains to me the point of the gladiatorial midgets described in that dystopia, I can't take the manifesto seriously.

I feel this post should resolve with a dramatic and fun-filled climax. Oh well.


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Julie_oh said...

I particularly like the "do midgets go to jail" question? do you think a midget was planing a crime and wanted to see if they'd get away with it on the grounds of being a midget??!!

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