Friday 22 February 2008

The Best eBay Purchase Ever

I was watching what I had been assured was the best Crystal Maze clip and feeling fairly disappointed when I came across this relatively amusing spoof:

Whilst true, I admit it's not exactly great. The reason I was over on YouTube watching such things though, was that my housemate and I were lamenting the poor quality of game shows nowadays - they don't make them like they used to. We both, naturally agreed that Knightmare was the greatest of them all.

Rather than watching disappointingly short clips of this sublime program on YouTube, I decided to pop over to eBay to see if I could find anyone selling a couple of episodes of it on VHS, when I came across this listing:

Knightmare - The Entire DVD Collection Series 1-8

£15. 113 episodes. 12 DVDs.

The one I've linked to there is a new, slightly pricier listing, as I've already bought up the £15 one. I seriously can't believe that this is actually true...I'm certain I'm the victim of internet fraud - but even so, the excitement and anticipation I feel at the vaguest possibility of this actually arriving are completely worth the £15 I paid out.

I. Can. Not. Wait.

Leave a comment, or read the 5 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

If it arrives in time, PLEASE bring to LAN! Drinking games to be devised too....

Ina said...

It's arrived...remind me :)

Anonymous said...


I'm desperately looking for Knightmare on DVD but they're all gone off eBay. Can you give me the name of the eBay seller you paid £15 to? My email is Thanks

Ina said...

Emailed - good luck :)

Anonymous said...

Many thanks

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