Thursday 14 February 2008

A quick hello from Seattle

This trip in one word:


I'm not sure I've eaten a single vegetable since I arrived here. I'm becoming swiftly addicted to American junk food. I spend the entire day (8-6!) sitting in sessions, watching cool people presenting about ultra-cool stuff. I then pop back to my hotel room for all of...fifteen minutes or so. After that it's time to go out for another inordinately unhealthy (but gorgeous) meal, and lots to drink.

I'm sure something happens after that too, but I have no idea what. Then it's back up at 7.30am to start the whole thing again. The only exercise I get is moving between bars, or walking from the hotel to the convention centre and back.

I choose to walk despite the fact that my hotel's one of the ones on the 'shuttle bus' route to the convention centre. Only the ones which are close enough to walk don't get a shuttle bus service. I'm so hardcore I walk it anyway - though it's such a dissapointment not being "so near the hotel that shuttle transport will not be provided and taxi fares will not be reimbursed" as you can clearly see below:

Picture taken from Live Maps' directions from the hotel to the convention center centre.

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Anonymous said...

But of course! Walking four blocks is crazy... Stories abound about ex-pats being stopped by the police because they were walking to the shop - obviously dodgy if you're *walking* somewhere...

Try to find 20 mins to walk aroudn Freeway Park. Interesting waterfall sculpture thing there. And emos. And the occasional photo shoot... Anyway, it's cool.

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