Wednesday 26 March 2008

New Phone!

Being a loyal O2 customer, when I decided that my thoroughly antiquated, battered and burnt (yes, literally) Nokia 6230 was due for a replacement, I headed straight over to their online shop. It's hard to find a phone company with a decent website and good customer support, so I was rather hoping to find something new and decent with them.

I didn't.

After discovering that appears to wish that the year was 2002 and it was Lycos, and eventually getting through to their online shop, I discovered they didn't really have anything decent either. So I wandered over to the wild hinterlands of Vodafone, famous for its poor reception and found an absolutely amazing deal on their front page.

I then called up O2, and told them about the Vodafone deal. And they gave me their £35/month contract for £25/month. With extra stuff. And a Sony Ericsson W910i. Free.

Hot eh?

600 minutes any time & any network, unlimited texts, one free bolt-on of my choice (free O2 calls, free internet etc) - totally leet. Can't wait for it to arrive.

Leave a comment, or read the 7 comments so far.

Ben Hall said...

What - not an iPhone? How come?

Anonymous said...

Because who the fuck would want an Apple product? :p

Ina said...

Also because I went to the Apple store and played with one for a bit. They're shiny and beautiful..but I'm fairly sure would be horribly unusable day-to-day.

Also Kirsty at work would stop giving me Windows Mobile sweets and pens and clothes, but I swear that wasn't the reason..

Anonymous said...

Warning about your new phone..... I've got it...... it's ace.... however, every 2/3 months it decides it won't send or receive texts :S Hope yours isn't like that, however if it happens a master reset sorts it out :)

Ina said...

Aye I read some sob stories about its reliability online. But then, I haven't really got much to be annoyed about at the moment, so I'm kinda hoping mine breaks.

Then I can also go on about how good my old one was, and why new mobile phones are rubbish gadgets etc...

Or it might work fine and I can tell everyone how leet it is. It's win win really.

Anonymous said...

I believe Vodafone actually has the best UK coverage, and certainly the best global coverage...

Anonymous said...

It's no jesus phone.

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