Monday 31 March 2008

Screw Walking

Recently, I was walking down a hill.

Quite boring, no? Walking simply isn't cool.

Next to me however, was a small girl, also descending the hill. She had a pair of Heelys (it burns my soul to use the suffix 'ys', but use it I must) on, and was gliding down the hill - looking very cool.

Heelys Britain
Here's a picture of someone's children. They're not mine.

Quite some time ago, when they first became fashionable, I came very, very close to buying myself a pair. It was only a present of a scooter for my 21st birthday that prevented me from doing so. Still though, the old desire and longing was brought up by watching this little girl roll along. Desire for shoes with wheels that is, not little girls.


Today, I was reading XKCD and saw that the chap behind it all has bought himself a brand new electric skateboard. Being the impressionable youth that I am, I now really, really want one of my own. To be fair, I have wanted one for quite a while anyway...honest

Electric Skateboard XKCD
Randall's new skateboard

Much though I'd love the one he bought (0-20mph in 4 seconds), that's a bit out of my price range at £300 so I'm strongly considering getting myself this one, from eBay. It's only capable of 8.5mph, but it's not a bad starter for £55, including postage.


As I was reading some posts online about how great these boards are in London, I stumbled across an even cooler method of getting from Point A to Point B - Powerizers. These are sprung stilts which allow you to jump and run your way around the city at great speeds - and even perform some pretty awesome stunts too:

At £140 they're a bit more expensive, and also possibly a bit less practical (the skateboard can be stowed underarm in a shop...these look like they take a lot of work to get on and off) - but are also very tempting.

Any more ideas on how I can get around, to and from work, to the shops etc...and do so in style - without resorting to the dull and drab method of walking, which I've already had far too much experience of? Let me know.

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cathy said...

And just what would you do with an electric skateboard when you're back in Aston, where everything is high rise?

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