Thursday 26 June 2008

Google Calendar

Stalking me online has always been easy enough, but actually being able to follow me around the streets, take photos of me eating sandwiches and other such fun activities has always been an issue. I've been working hard to rectify this, and have finally gotten around to setting up a Google Calendar.

A (disturbing) number of you have already noticed the mini-view of the calendar a fair bit down the increasingly large right hand side of this blog, or you can just skip directly to my calendar through your favourites or similar.

There's even an RSS feed of my calendar which you can subscribe to, so that you're notified of any new events I add as soon as I add them, if you're feeling in a particularly hardcore mood.

I've started putting in my expected location for the coming weeks too, so you can find out what city I'll be in, and invite me to cool parties once you know :)

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