Sunday 25 February 2007

Bye bye =(

Lu's been here for the weekend, which was ace - haven't seen her in ages. Might go down to Bath in two weeks time, but if not then Easter's coming up - and I just found out that it's three weeks off (I'd assumed it would only be one, I'm getting too used to the real world).

We stayed in Friday night, I cooked one of my grandmother's recipes for her, we watched a film, just a fun night in really :) Employee Of The Month, by the way, isn't the best of films - I couldn't quite work out whether the overall concept was meant to be the joke, or whether they'd tried to base their jokes on a real concept. Either way it failed :P

Saturday we lazed around in bed for half the morning, had some breakfast and went off to town. Shopped for a few hours, before buying a single gift for one of her housemates - got to love girls. Also bought a bunch of new books for her too, half of which I've stolen. Got her;

Martin Amis - Yellow Dog
Raymond E. Feist - A Darkness at Sethanon
Raymond E. Feist - Silverthorn (I'm sure that's a weapon in Oblivion)
Martin Amis - The Information
Matthew Pearl - The Poe Shadow
Jean-Claude Carriere - Please, Mr. Einstein

Afterwards we went to Wagamama - a Japanese restaurant in the heart of Birmingham that was absolutely amazing. I had chicken ramen - and the size of the portion was impressive enough on its own. The soup was brilliant, the noodles gorgeous and of course, the chicken and the extras were wonderfully done. Came home and made some chocolate muffins then (which were a bit oddly shaped, given that we had no muffin tin), then made some strawberry smoothies and went up to play Broken Sword II. Danced to the Supremes before going to bed, because they're Kickass.

Today I cooked again, because I'm ace, and then we just spent the day together :) Gonna miss her now.


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