Sunday 18 February 2007

London tomorrow!

Well today was pretty lovely all around. Got up late and had Frisbee as usual, although we had to wait around for half an hour watching a fairly decent basketball game that had overrun into our time.

Had a nice evening with Gen after that, we made some Welsh cakes (although she grilled half of them, 'Welsh cookies' anyone?) which turned out alright, watched House Of Flying Daggers (great, by the way) and I gave her a massage for an hour or so (also great, of course).

London's tomorrow though, for the MSP event - staying overnight in the Hilton and off to Namco station on the Sunday, both of which should be awesome. Going to record a 2 hour prog jam before that too, I'll upload that somewhere if anyone's going to be taking copious amounts of drugs and needs a soundtrack anytime soon. The real fun's going to be on Monday though when we get talked through all the Cool Stuff in Vista - I love MS presentations, they're always so professional and interesting.

Was hoping to see Blue Man Group in the evening with Lucie too, but that's just not practical - we'll do it some other time though :)

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