Tuesday 19 December 2006

2006 Awards

1) Drinking buddy
Would probably have to be Terra, bit of an odd choice as he doesn't actually drink, but on the plus side, that means he's able to get me somewhere near the vicinity of my bed when I'm too wasted to stand.

2) Lifetime service award
What? Erm, me. I'm great.

3) Newcomer of the year
Rachelle's probably the best newbie we've gained at Aston this year, though kudos to Babagu aka 'crazy greek guy' for getting prog rock jam sessions started up!

4) High point of the year?
Well, take your pick really..any of the jazz gigs, birthday weekend with Lucie, house Christmas party, any of the CompSoc LANs. Nah, I know what the high point was. It was the day Xander returned from London bearing the golden box of Guitar Hero.

5) Low point of the year?
Probably walking into my Comms & Info Skills oral exam, sitting down, and then realising that everyone else in the room had an entire powerpoint presentation and full set of notes with them. The examiner wasn't too impressed by my improv speech, though I thought I did a decent job.

6) Best holiday?
What's a holiday? Tenby with Lucie :)

7) Anthem for 2006?
Monkey Steals The Peach - Guitar Hero. ;) Or possibly Beer by Reel Big Fish.

8) Any regrets?
Don't be silly, I'm awesome.

9) Best night out?
If it was that good, I wouldn't remember it now would I. Let's say one of the Reading Festival nights though, they were all great. Or maybe Laserquest & bowling with CompSoc.

10) Worst night out?
Probably that time in the Sacks where I left before any of the good acoustic acts came on, and then managed to get the wrong bus and have to walk three miles home, and then stayed up all night doing coursework with Clush, before handing in the worst piece of crap I've ever designed and implemented. Free sausages were ace though.

11) Who did you spend valentines' with?
Lucie (I hope).

12) Best relationship?
Only got the one sorry.

13) Worst relationship?
So I guess it wins this prize too...three in a row for Lucie.

14) First gig of the year?
Playing - probably with my jazz band at an LMS gig.
Watching - couldn't tell you, memory's not that great.

15) Last gig of the year?
Playing - paid jazz gig at Sutton Coldfield Baptist Church Youth Group's Christmas Ball (that's a mouthful eh?).

Watching - Capdown, Buzzkill, King Blues & some local band at Birmingham Barfly. Great night, lots of dancing and good music. Really impressed by all three of the main bands, the local lot looked decent too.

16) How did you spend your birthday?
Went to Tenby with Lucie =)

17) Best decision made all year?
Joining the Microsoft Student Partner scheme. Buying a trumpet was pretty ace though.

18) What are your plans for next year?
Get a first on the second year of my degree, get & go on a good placement (Rare Game Studios, Microsoft or Google hopefully), play a bunch of jazz, play a bunch of Ultimate Frisbee and generally have a good time.

19) Most stupid idea when drunk?
Allowing Gib near me with a camera.

20) Biggest surprise of the year?
Waking up (insert humorous position/situation here) after a night out.

21) A phrase to sum up this year?

22) Most commonly used word/ phrase?
"What key are we in?"

23) Best film?
American Beauty - I'd never actually watched it through before this year.

24) Best album?
Roflcopter - Music to hoover to. Or, if you want a non-imaginary album; Mose Allison - Allison Wonderland.

25) Best kiss of the year?

Gib. Of course.

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Ju said...

What key are we in indeed? we're as bad as each other but at least you don't have to transpose on bass.
Just u wait til you're jamming on trumpet... then you'll see...

Ina said...

I'm fine jamming on trumpet - I just make everyone else transpose to me! :D

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