Wednesday 20 December 2006

That crazy cat.

Smudge in Christmas tree

That was a couple of years back, but we've got a new Christmas tree and Smudge is at it again. This year we foolishly decided to hang some silver baubles on the branches near the floor, and he's been having great fun knocking them off and chasing them around the room. Once they've all been killed, he starts on the little santa doll that sits underneath the presents - I think we might forego the tradition of placing presents under the tree this year, I can imagine the consequences.

On a vaguely related note; why don't people ever use the word 'cat' to describe someone any more? As in 'he's one cool cat' or the like. Did Danny John Jules confuse people by personifying the descriptive word 'cat' whilst being named 'Cat'? Are people just not that cool any more? One to ponder...

Leave a comment, or read the 1 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Kitty! Your cat looks very huggable. I miss my cat very much... she has a black mask on her face like yours... with a white chin and tummy... I can't imagine her sitting in a tree though.. she doesn't like to stay in one place for more than a second.. she's a little wild...

I get called a cat! Lot's of people get described as catish.. if they have cute whiskers... and tales... and claws.. and like to chase string and pounce on people...

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