Monday 25 December 2006

Christmas Eve! (A virtuous woman)

Well last night was predictably great - spent the end of Christmas Eve and the early hours of the day itself (ie, just past midnight) round Lucie's opening gifts, after we'd watched NBC the night before (as always), she got me some kickass stuff, including a proper copy of the Kama Sutra. I say proper copy, because you quite often find some rubbish like 'The Ann Summers pop-up guide to the Kama Sutra' which only contains..well, you can guess. This book is the actual full version, full of customs and philosophy - as well as the slightly less appropriate pictures. One line I particularly liked was:

A virtuous woman, who has affection for her husband, should act in conformity with his wishes as if he were a divine being, and with his consent, take upon herself the care of his family. The house should be well cleaned, the floor smooth and polished, and decorated with flowers to make it neat and becoming.
From one of the golden ages of civilization eh? Can't fault it - though I'm a liberal kind of guy, I won't react too harshly if I come home and my floor isn't perfectly smooth. Also, note the usage of the Oxford comma in the above, you know that's taken straight from the original text ;)

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