Monday 3 December 2007

The Calamity of Ina

Thanks to Anthony for the post title, it made me giggle :)

So, following on from all locked up, I had an eventful early morning start today for my trip to London. My key was actually found during the day by my housemates by the way - stuck deep inside the folding mechanism of the bed part of the sofa-bed.

This wasn't my only calamity today, I also kinda failed on my detox. As such, the new plan is to have two short stints of detox - most people only do 7 days anyway. I've managed 8 days before my failing today, and I've got another 12 days until the departmental Christmas party.

Today was my team's little Christmas-celebration day in London, and the welcoming of our new manager. With all the festivity in the air, it completely slipped my mind that a nice steak and 7 cocktails at lunchtime weren't allowed under the rules of my detox. It also made for an interesting first meeting with the new boss, who arrived quite late into the celebrations.

Bit of a spectacular failure really :( Oh well - I'll start again tomorrow with some lovely hummus and raw veg. I've got to say that I could really feel the difference eating 'real' food, but I should hopefully process it quickly and get back to my airy and light detoxed state within a couple of days.

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Baron. Ssn said...


Ina said...


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