Monday 24 December 2007

Midnight Shopping

Tesco's, not surprisingly, decided to open at midnight this fine Monday morning. After all, they are a 24 hour supermarket, and so when archaic religious laws don't apply, they might as well make themselves some money. Oddly enough though, it never seemed to occur to the wondrous overlords there that midnight on the 24th of December might just be a little busy - so maybe they should put a few more staff on.

It was quite refreshing to see masses crowding around a bag of sprouts dressed only in a coat and their pyjamas. The masses that is, not the sprouts. It was also quite amusing to see men hopelessly running around the homeware aisle - clearly wondering what the hell they should get their wives - a new soup strainer or a set of measuring spoons to replace the ones broken during their last drinking game.

Off to bed now, ciao.


PS: 500 posts. Go me. Prizes for anyone who can honestly claim to have read them all. Apply within.

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cathy said...

Me - I want to claim my prize for having read every single one - even the ones I was told not to!

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