Friday 7 December 2007

No more detox

Well, it's been a fun experiment, but yesterday I decided to end my detox after only two weeks. It wasn't the depressing experience of watching other people eat gorgeous food whilst I sat there with some nuts and berries. It wasn't even the fact that every meal required a degree of effort - there was never a quick solution or the option to eat out. No, the main factor in my decision was that my body decided it would be fun to faint on Wednesday night.

Now, a common question I got when I said that to people in person was 'Why?' - to which I'm still unsure of the answer. My body doesn't exactly have a LED readout that justifies its actions...

Despite giving up early I'm still happy I gave the whole thing a try - I certainly did feel a lot better in myself after a few days, and I've learned some really nice recipes and meals that can be made with absolutely no bad stuff at all. I'm also sure that I've processed all the 'bad stuff' that was leftover by now, giving me a clean start before I go and fill my body with crap all over again.

Would I recommend it? Certainly - but perhaps only for a week or so at a time. And certainly not in December, that was just silly. If you fancy giving it a go, get in touch, please, because I've not bothered to mention on here some important stuff, and if you just go at it with what I mentioned you'll probably get very ill.

Back to work...

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