Wednesday 14 May 2008

Clifton StrengthsFinder strengths

Here, according to a 117 question survey, are the 5 things that I'm great at. I don't normally share these things when they're the equivalent of chain-mail spam, but as this is a professional one that work paid might be interesting to you. Click any header to expand, and feel free to comment on how true you think it is :)







The whole thing looks almost like a 'pick your race' screen from a computer game...or maybe I'm just too geeky ;)

Leave a comment, or read the 3 comments so far.

Ju said...

seems like a fairly good assessment of your personality to me ;)

From a business point of view anyway.
Although I'd expect there to be something more about passion in there - passion to do well and passion for the things you are interested in.

That's my analysis :P

Matthias said...

Hi Ina and Ju

the passion element is quite typical for Maximizer, especially if it is a "passion to do well" and a passion to go from good to excellent, or in other words, if you get bored with mediocre people and organizations.

I don't know you Ina but I love interpreting people's talent themes. So if you allow, let me say that you have a very strong sales profile with Command, Activator and Self-Assurance, because these are all influencing talents. However, they need to be well developed, like polishing a diamond, or otherwise you can come over as "pushy" or too much of a hard sales closer. These talents are so strong, and you have three of them, that they manifest themselves even without making a special effort to do so. They are best used in an environment where sales closing is crucial.

But then again, Ideation suggests that you would feel more comfortable in consultative selling, where you have find creative solutions to customer's problems. Strong sales closing can be both a blessing and a curse in such a context, it depends on each situation and client.

Check out my blog if you like to learn more about the Clifton StrengthsFinder and what it means for your career (I am not a counselor):


David Cooper said...

Do you have a link to the Clifton Strengths Finder test, and if so does one need a password to get in (and if that's the case do you have the password)?

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