Saturday 5 April 2008

On fruit

I don't think I've consumed quite as much fruit in a 24 hour period as in the one just passed, and I can tell you that I currently feel awful. My head is throbbing, bright lights hurt and my mouth feels inexplicably dry.

It all started yesterday, with a seemingly innocent apple in the office, around 3pm. I thought, 'hey, one little bit of fruit won't harm my work' and indeed, I managed to get on with another couple of hours of productive coding before it was time to head home.

Bananaman Banana
As a child, I was exposed to all kinds of fruit through subliminal advertising in children's TV

Back at the house, before I headed out for the night, I stopped by the kitchen for a quick banana. All true students know that it's best to start eating at home, before you move on to expensive pubs and bars - after all, you can buy nice and cheap and in bulk at any supermarket.

Shortly enough, I strolled out to a micro-brewery/pub nearby to meet Will for his birthday celebrations - and decided to sample one of the pub's latest specialties, a mango beer. The fruit orgy continued with a passion fruit beer and in a short amount of time, I was feeling decidedly lightheaded.

Fruli Strawberry Beer
Strawberries - so sweet and tempting

We strolled over to the Oakfield Social Club later on, where I had Früli recommended to me. A couple of these lovely strawberry beers later, and then I was back on the apples with a nice pint of Weston's cider which appeared in my hand.

Westons Apple Cider
The humble apple, so seemingly sweet and innocent

The rest of the night passed in a bit of a blur, and I dread to think what other fruits I consumed. As I awoke this morning, I swore off all fruit forever (as one is wont to do), but I'm already back off out to the Social Club tomorrow for an event entitled 'Let's get drunk and try and play jazz'. Should be fun. I hope they have pears.


In related news, have you gotten around to voting on The Fruit Graph? - Inspired by this little comic, which caused a lot of fuss on the internet:

Fuck Grapefruit
Entitled, 'Fuck Grapefruit'. Click to embiggen.

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