Sunday 11 November 2007

Contact Juggling

I was on Wikipedia last night, browsing around things related to M.C. Escher to confirm whether or not he did actually enjoy torturing fish. The answer, by the way, is that he didn't, but a quick Wikipedia edit from myself could quickly change that bit of history. Oh how I love the internet..

Anyhow, I got onto looking at Henderson, Lucas & Bowie's film The Labyrinth, which I've still never gotten around to seeing. Anyone got a copy I can borrow? I learned that during that film, Bowie appears to be 'contact juggling' a lot. Now, I'd never heard of contact juggling, let alone seen it, before then, so naturally I popped along to YouTube.

Wow. Contact juggling is far, far cooler than 'toss juggling', just see:

That being said, a man by the name of Greg Kennedy certainly had a good go at restoring the balance not too long ago with his conical juggling routine:

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