Sunday 11 November 2007

Wednesday's going to be fun...

My placements tutor, [name edited out], whom you may remember from my rant about him or rant about placements was recently the subject of a couple of Google queries, by some folks who later contacted him.

Well, lo and behold, if my little old blog doesn't come up as the second hit once SafeSearch is turned off (naughty naughty). Two hours passed, and at 4am this morning, he sent an email from his personal email account, cc'ing in two other folks from Aston (the head of placements, and...his boss? Not sure of the relationship there).

In his usual style of poorly placed sarcasm and 'broken English' (if you're reading [name edited out as requested], it wasn't me that coined that description of you) he complained again about my 'professionalism', 'maturity' and 'respect'.

Well now, I was in a bit of a pickle as to how I replied. The mail was from his personal account, so I felt quite justified in letting rip, but then he'd cc'ed in professional perhaps I'd better tone it down.

In the end, after consulting a few folks, I removed the bits deemed 'potentially slanderous' and stuck pretty much to the facts. I've kindly offered to remove his name from the metadata of the First Circle Of Hell (though, I'm not entirely sure I'm obliged to do so) and I've even given the folks at the University a free shot at having the post taken down if there's some University policies it violates (again, I'm not entirely sure I'm obliged to do this, but no harm in playing it safe).

I couldn't resist this little crack though:
"I'm afraid that 'respect' has to be earned. My respect for you dropped much, much lower than it already was once I got phone calls, emails and instant messages in response to that post. Maturity we'll leave up to debate, and I'll let professionalism speak for itself, however anyone wishes to interpret this post, and the below email exchange."

If only I could have put in the rest of what I'd written - but if it's too potentially slanderous to be cc'ed in to two of his colleagues, it certainly doesn't belong on the net. Feel free to pm me though kids :)

To clarify the title - I'm meeting him for my 'placements visit' this Wednesday, which should be a pile of fun. I'll let you know how that turns out.


...and to think I thought I was going to be bored this Sunday :)

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