Wednesday 14 November 2007

Test your English (and help charity)

I recently came across this very tough little game online:

Free Rice

Every time you get an answer right, some rice gets donated to someone who wants rice (I didn't read the specifics). That's lovely and all, but the best part is clearly the 'vocab level' bit which rises slightly every time you get a few hundred right, and crashes back down as soon as you make the slightest mistake, or so it appeared to me.

My top score so far is 44 (I've stopped playing since I fell from that giddy height all the way down to 38) - go see if you can't beat that. A University lecturer friend of a friend apparently got up to 50. Ouch.

Leave a comment, or read the 5 comments so far.

cathy said...

It's addictive!
Got to 47 and then back down to being constantly between 42 and 45 - and I'm not sure how many people 2200 grains of rice will feed.
But I like the idea and the game - diolch!

Unknown said...

A quick glance at the FAQ....

"There are 50 levels in all, but it is rare for people to get above level 48."

Incredible if he got to 50 really!

And 47 is damned good. gratz cathy!

Anonymous said...

Another simple way to help charities is to use charity credit cards. Similar to standard 'reward' credit cards, a percentage of your purchases will go to the charity of your choice - instead of in your pocket. A great way to help out doing something you already do - using your credit card.

Ina said...

The above does, I admit, look like spam - but appears pretty legit. I did a bit of tracing and it does indeed send you over to the real websites of the companies offering charity credit cards.

Still though, at your own risk. But no harm in finding a card through the link that bot provided, and then applying through your own means.

Ina said...

Additionally, I already have a charity credit card :)

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