Monday 28 January 2008

Pacifist takes on WoW

From BoingBoing - Pacifist World of Warcraft player trying to hit the top without killing anything

Although it's been a while since I played WoW, I couldn't resist posting up this little number. The sheer pointlessness of this whole 'experiment' is exactly what I love about the internet. Why bother with real life when stuff like this is going on?

I'm seriously considering working in the City 'till I'm 30, then retiring, with enough money to live basically on, and still be able to afford an internet connection and various online subscriptions.

Also, the eagle eyed amongst you will notice this particular BoingBoing post was made by Cory Doctorow. Finally I know who the hell Randall Munroe over at XKCD keeps going on about.

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