Tuesday 15 January 2008


The more observant of you may have noticed that instead of the list of labels I used to have at the bottom of this blog, I now have a lovely 'cloud of tags' on the right hand side - enabling you to see not only what tags I use for posts, but also which I've used more often. Although they never asked for any, I did always mean to get around to crediting phydeaux3 for their blogger tag cloud code.

I've also just gone through and re-tagged a bunch of posts, getting rid of a few obsolete tags and trying to properly backdate the old ones. Whilst doing so, I've come across some great old posts I'd completely forgotten, so if you're in need of a laugh I'd recommend having a look at some of the earlier rants or posts about university. Note that clicking on a tag won't bring up every post tagged with that, just the first 20. Use 'older posts' at the bottom to go back further.


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