Tuesday 19 June 2007

After Sex High Five

Warning: Tasteless.

Now, I'm all in favour of high-fives, I think they're great. I've even taking to naming the different types of high-five as they're exchanged, in the style of the legendary Todd (secret five, air five, etc).

There is however, something that in my opinion is very underused, and that is the 'after sex high five'. I recently found a Facebook group devoted to exactly this ultimately romantic and 90's gesture, which I initially thought was great. It even gave clear and concise instructions:

Simply say "hi five" and hold your hand up. Your partner will get the hint to slap it. If they dont, use your hand, which is up in the air already, to give your partner a swift slap to the face. This should knock some sense into them.

However, upon browsing the pictures section, I became rapidly, greatly concerned about some of the groups members. I've reported them all to various government agencies and now have photos of them on my wall, so I can run from them in the street should I ever encounter them. Here's a couple of examples of their post-coital high fives:

Army sex high five

And just in case Clush is reading:
Paper bag sex high five

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