Thursday 7 June 2007

Are you my mother?

Ok, there's been a lot of confusion with the latest post, with people not being sure whether they fall into the category of 'my mother' or not. So, I've devised a simple test, if you can answer no to all of the following questions, you are my mother, and shouldn't read Alcohole

1. Did you not give birth to me?

2. Is this not a picture of you?
Cathy MacGillivray

3. Shouldn't you not read the post immediately preceding this one?


Thanks to Sylvia Wong for the quiz structure.

Leave a comment, or read the 3 comments so far.

cathy said...

Could you not have found a better picture?
Apart from that, I claim the privilege of being your mother, but if you get a better offer, let me know!

Ina said...

Only picture I had on my computer :P

Did you pass the test?

cathy said...

Obviously or I couldn't have claimed to be your mother.

House looks lovely - can you afford the rent, and how will share out the very different sized rooms?

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