Friday 22 June 2007

Thinking Of Mathematics

I recently stumbled into Thinking Of Mathematics - an essay by Google researcher T.V. Raman, who just happens to be blind.

The paper is a very interesting read, giving you specifically an insight into the mind of this highly intelligent, passionate and driven man, who never appears to have let his blindness affect his life. It's refreshing and invigorating to see someone making the best of their life, instead of attempting to excuse that most common of failings - a lack of drive and effort - with any problems that come to hand. And, blindness is a pretty big excuse to use, should the sufferer so choose.

Generally, it's also an interesting look into mathematics and blindness, and certainly worth a read, if you've got the time (it's not too long).

Leave a comment, or read the 1 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

The best description of the nature of what it is to really 'do mathematics' I have ever read!

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