Sunday 1 July 2007

About in Reading

So, I've quit Birmingham for the year now, but it hasn't really sunk in yet. Got down to Reading yesterday to look for some houses, but none of the estate agents that were open had anything good for us.

As such, we spent the entire day on Emma's sofa, watching TV and chatting, before she left us to go and sleep, and when we inquired about bedding, simply said 'improvise' - having gotten rid of all her stuff earlier the day. As such, I ended up sleeping on a bare mattress with a sofa cushion for a pillow, and a curtain for a blanket. I don't recommend.

In halls now, after a fun night out. Met all of the interns from London and Reading today, and spent most of the day playing pool and drinking. Can't complain really, except that we're in work at 8.20am tomorrow, and right now is apparently party time in my room ^^


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