Thursday 12 July 2007

Rescue Package

My mother kindly came up with the first installment of all my stuff today (well, yesterday, by the time I'm posting this), which amongst other things included the majority of my clothes. Finally the people at work can stop wondering why my outfit every day gives them a sense of deja-vu. Another plus side is that I no longer have to unwrap and wear all the MS branded t-shirts and tops from induction week because I've run out of clean clothes.

My ps2, along with all Guitar Hero peripherals and games also arrived today, just to taunt me - because my TV isn't coming till Sunday. The guitar controllers are just in a corner, mocking me, and glaring at the sweet, sweet XBox 360 that currently has pride of place in our lounge. In all fairness, it's a much better system from so many standpoints, and will by the envy of all mankind once our LAN is set up to stream Media Centre through it from every machine.

Also squashed into the tardis known as the Ka was some much, much needed kitchen equipment. This morning was a horrible experience as we woke up and wandered down to the kitchen, where Weetabix and Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes shone gloriously at us from our mostly empty cupboards. Through bleary eyes I could make out a golden halo hovering above a fresh, full bottle of milk, and nothing could have been more satisfying for either myself or Ben than a gorgeous bowl of cereal to wake us up. Unfortunately, our creative brains couldn't kick into a high enough gear that early on to work out how some plates and very sharp knives could be substituted for the traditional bowl and spoon, and so had to go hungry.

Most of the rest of my many possessions will be travelling up with my mother on Sunday, she apparently loves driving on the M4 for some bizarre reason. Either that or she just really, really likes my new house - can't say I blame her.

Leave a comment, or read the 1 comments so far.

cathy said...

Or maybe, just maybe, she's a very kind person!

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