Monday 30 July 2007

Diversity is a roomful of people with varying skin colours

Not having much else to do today (all of my various projects are 'on hold' for one reason or another) I'm getting on with my mandatory online training. In the last set of training I learned that the follow things are wrong:

  • Showing hardcore pornography to customers during meetings

  • Stealing money

  • Recommending a company for a big contract without telling anyone you happen to own that company

  • Hiring really, really bad actors for training videos and pitching everything at a level suitable for an audience of mentally retarded 12 year olds

..oops, I'm not sure if this stuff was covered under my NDA - just to be sure, if you're not a Microsoft employee, then please do one of the above soon, so you can use it as an example if someone accuses you of having read this confidential information. I recommend trying out the first.

Today I'm on diversity and inclusion training. They're spending a long, long time trying to emphasise that a multitude of factors can make up diversity, from the more obvious ones such as 'sex' and 'ethnic origin' down to 'military status' and 'gender expression'. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try to emphasise all the fun little ones like that, they're insisting on having every picture/video feature young, American employees of differing skin colour (though, equally annoying accents throughout).

I'm purposefully getting all the questions wrong, because I don't think (and I really hope) anyone reads all the responses. Proving that the training has currently failed, I was really quite amused when I got to select 'Person x is legally blind...' as an 'invisible' disibility during one of the many quizzes they put in place to stop you starting the training session then just walking off.

I was also really amused that for this video (and this video alone), in the set of language choices, English was right at the bottom, underneath some languages I'd never even heard of. This kind of pettiness doesn't really prove any kind of point when a large amount of Microsoft's resources are only available in English anyway.

Anyhow, off to lunch, back for more of this lol later.


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