Sunday 1 April 2007

April Fools Sites

I love the Internet on April 1st. You get tons of webmasters all putting in a ton of effort to making something amusing and interesting just for one single 24-hour stretch, often to then take it down forever straight afterwards.

You also get a bunch of Americans taking them seriously, leading to some hilarious forum posts/messages/comments.

Here's some amusing site's I've found or been shown today (note, I imagine the links will probably be broken by tomorrow, or less funny, so leave a message if you notice a duff one): goes girly

Google TISP

Vilcus - Electric Suicide Adaptor

You snooze, you lose - by ThinkGeek taken over by newspaper company (Page taken down)

Gmail Paper

Three from facebook in my 'recent news':

Introducing LivePoke™! 12:00pm
Facebook will dispatch a real live person today to poke a friend of your choice.*
*offer good for only the first 100 pokers in each network.

Harry and Voldemort have set their relationship status to "Mortal Enemies." 10:24am

You are on Facebook, reading your News Feed. 7:27am

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