Monday 23 April 2007


I went to bed a little late last night, which wasn't too much of a problem as I don't have to be in Uni till 12 today. Problem was, when I went to bed around 1, I had an idea. It was a really good idea that would make a great comic.

This led me to thinking about an idea I'd had a couple of days ago, that would also make a good comic. I idly thought to myself 'should make a webcomic', and settled down to sleep and forget the ideas. However, disaster, in the form of a third, equally superb idea struck me, and I couldn't be so negligent as to not write that one down.

Long story short I managed to avoid sleep through having 76 ideas worthy of writing down (well, more than that, but I scrapped the worst ones this morning). As a result, I'm more than a bit tired, and I'll be starting a lovely webcomic soon enough for your viewing delight.

A webcomic about what you ask? Well, I'm not really sure. I categorized the strips I've written down and they fall into: Romantic, Amusing, Amusing (Confusion), Satirical, Sardonic, and then two other special categories that won't mean much to you yet.

I've recruited the talented drawing skills of Mr. Kieran Hawkes (aka Gib) and Ms. Lucie Bradley, because I, quite frankly, can't draw a damn thing - I attempted to do one of the comics at around 3am, and the resulting drawing in front of me is just embarrassing.

More news for you when I've got it - can anyone suggest a good web host though? 1&1Internet seem the best so far...

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