Wednesday 2 May 2007

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Between yesterday afternoon and this morning, I've managed to have a full 24 hours without any work, which was a lovely break, but now I'm right back into it - joy.

Yesterday was pretty fun, spent the morning putting the finishing touches on our, quite frankly gorgeous, group project, which counts towards 17% of this year or so, so it was a relief to get that out of the way. Our submission was pretty good quality even before you add in the mark bump we're likely to get from having a group of 4, instead of the usual group of 6 - but no more comments on that particular situation eh? It's finally over.

That, by the way, wasn't the fun part. Went to Sutton Park with the South Road guys, which is a lot nicer than I was expecting for anything in this part of the world. There was real grass there and everything - it's amazing. A bunch of geeks playing football and frisbee in the wind probably wasn't the epitome of manhood, but it was a good laugh - in amongst the discussions about shadows and other 'light' physics (pun, unfortunately, was intended).

Big Wok - aka all you can eat chinese in the evening, was absolutely superb. Under the official rules of being a man, I also managed to win there, by eating more than anyone else. That unfortunately, doesn't seem to have done much good for the slight illness I had earlier that day - now I feel awful. I'm also blaming the excessive amounts of food (which, I'm unreliably informed, probably contains cat) on the fact that I completely failed at bowling later that evening.

Spent the day revising mostly, wooo. Great fun. Time for series 4 of Peep Show (I've managed to watch the first three series over the past few days, God bless YouTube) and sleep now.


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