Monday 21 May 2007

Another Youtube Video to Madeleine McCann

Those of you who browse YouTube instead of revising (aka, the entire student population) may have noticed a spate of, quite frankly awful videos made by people with some googled images and an oddly chosen backing track, or even worse - a Madeleine Rap.

If you read the comments you'll find that the posters are split into two distinct groups - those 'anti Madeleine' (or rather, anti the media hype around her) and those pro Madeleine. The latter are easily distinguishable from the former, by the fact that they Can Not type, spell, or use decent English in any way shape or form.

Some of the comments in support are quite frankly laughable, here's some of the more choice ones:

"she's so cute, how could anyone do this to her?"
Whereas, if she were ugly, it would be fine.

"it so inappropriate to take a little girl like her"
You silly kidnapper, you've made a social faux-pas! Also, would it have been fine were she a little taller?

"who cud be sooo nasty 2 diz lil cute gurl u horible sick person take ere ome they dnt want u dey want maddie ome plz tak ere ome !"

"The ONLY proof of missing Madeleine is the media, the media can't be trusted. It's all probably fake anyway, so everyone calm down"
The token conspiracy theorist.

"U in my prays, maddie"
..stealin' my Jeebus.

And my personal favourite:
"who iz she? what hapened to her? i havnt been on myspace in ages so i dno"

Anyhow, one of the guys from the wonderful world of Facebook has put together this loving tribute to the sweet little darling, enjoy:

Leave a comment, or read the 2 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

The conspiracy theorist's comment is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time

Anonymous said...

lol man, really lol. I didn't know about this girl actually (therefore I am not the kidnapper) Hey, a kidnapper isn't a guy who puts kids to take a nap? This is what the word implies!!! Anyway, I was about to write a note about the ducks in the lake and fell to this. I hoop th litl girl s found!

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