Tuesday 27 March 2007

Another reason to hate the French

As I'm sure most of you are aware, I'm a bit of a Nazi when it comes to other people's spelling, grammar and general usage of the English language.

Sorry, that's not very PC is it.

As I'm sure most of you are aware, I'm a bit of a German when it comes to other people's spelling, grammar and general usage of the English language.

There, that's better.

Anyhow, recently I was made to look a bit foolish in an online chatroom. Someone was typing away, but would put two spaces after each full stop. Naturally I called them up on this and asked why on earth they kept on making this most elementary of mistakes. When they told me that it was a common typographical convention I naturally laughed in their e-face and continued to insist that they revoke their foolish behaviour.

However, unfortunately for me, Wikipedia, master of all knowledge, is in vague agreement that this practice exists, and I've now been made to seem wrong. So, don't go telling me that my burning desire to see the entirety of France and the French population obliterated by a large-scale nuclear attack is completely unfounded, it's not.

That is all.

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