Thursday 1 March 2007

One Down...

Just finished commenting up my code for my Internet Programming With Java coursework. Quite why you'd undertake internet programming with Java I'm not entirely sure, but the module isn't a complete waste, I've learnt a fair bit about internet standards and protocols that I wasn't previously aware of.

The coursework was (for me, at least), to implement a server for trivial protocol for dealing with Business Cards using UDP. Other people will then be making UDP clients for their coursework, and will probably want to get their hands on my server when they're done so that they can do their testing (I did all mine with a tester class).

They won't be so happy when they do get my server however, as I've followed the protocol fanatically, with some pretty hardcore regular expressions. Absolutely no room for error buddy ;) I imagine that none of the client submissions will be good enough to pass muster with my server, and I fully expect (not hope for) 100% for this coursework :)

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