Wednesday 28 March 2007

You're going to regret hosting that midget-porn site...

One of the many, many features I like about Gmail is that you get a link to some interesting news feeds at the top of your inbox, most of which are worth a click if you have time. Today's example was the following:

Want a job? Clean up your Web act - from ZDNet.

Now, I already know that this is completely true, as the prospective employers I'd applied to for my placement had all gone and read this blog, and some had even dug a little deeper - looking, for example, at CompSoc's website.

I've got no problem with any prospective employer looking at this blog - in fact I'd quite welcome it, because although it does, at times, show off the less responsible parts of my life, it also shows that I'm intelligent, that I can write and gives a full flavour of who I am. I wouldn't want to be employed by someone who wasn't happy with who I am, because that's not going to lead to a happy work environment.

I really hope that employers start doing this a lot more often too - if I found a candidate for one of my jobs with a myspace page, full of bad spelling, poor web design and stupid comments, I'd bin their application form in a second. Actually, scrap most of that last sentence, I'd bin them if they had a myspace page full-stop.

Seriously, if you don't have the common decency and intelligence to express yourself on a public forum (in the more general meaning of the word, not just a messageboard) with proper grammar, spelling and opinions that are well-thought out and backed up, you don't deserve to get a decent job, and I hope people start to find that out the hard way.

An example would be the retard who tried to post an intelligent response to the newspost I linked above, and ended up just making a complete arse of himself - awfully formed sentences, incorrect usages of words (loose/lose, etc) and points that were half irrelevant and half made-up.

So, please, no more talking like a 12 year old with a mobile phone on msn, no more static backgrounds on your pages, no more embedded mp3s or midis on your websites and no more Comic Sans on your blog. You'll pay for it in the end.

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