Friday 9 March 2007

Good news or bad?

Microsoft were clearly feeling a bit musical today, I got a phone call from John Williams, the esteemed composer to schedule a phone conversation between myself and John Mayer, the brilliant blues guitarist. I think that Mr. Mayer also heads up MSTV too - I met those guys yesterday, so I'm not sure if that means that only MSTV want me, and that they're not sure if they really do want me, or if there's a couple of managers arguing over me and they're looking to see what position is most suitable.

More waiting then I suppose...

12/03/07 Edit: It should be noted that half the information in this post is completely incorrect. Apologies to Paul Meyer, who's in ICV, or IVC, or some other such acronym. And not MSTV at all. And not called John.

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