Friday 10 August 2007

Home for the weekend

So, in case it wasn't obvious that the subtle third person references in the post below actually all referred to stuff I've been getting to up - I'm off home for the weekend to spend some time with Lu :)

Apparently she's devised many a fun plan, though I'm not yet sure of many of them, except to go and see Transformers butchered on the big screen (but, with such a big budget, hopefully butchered with loads of cool explosions and robots)

By the time you read this (I could probably put buying an internet connection on the train down under 'expenses', but after how much of the morale budget I drank on Tuesday night, I guess I can pass this time), I should also have the infamous present #21, which took many months being shipped from Thailand. If it's a hooker who died of suffocation about 9 weeks ago I'll be very dissapointed. On the other hand though, I'm not really sure what Thailand's famous for exporting, so it should be interesting to see.

Well, that's the end of this post, and in the spirit of always ending on a laugh:

A blind man walks into an all-women's biker bar and orders a pint of ale. As the bartender's hands it to him, he says to her;
"Hey, want to hear a blonde joke?"
"Sure", says the bartender, but before you tell it, I should probably warn you about a few things;
"Sitting to the left of you is a blonde professional weightlifter.
The blonde to the right of you won a wrestling championship last week.
The lady over by the pool table is blonde too, and has been arrested for fighting three times this month.
The girl waiting to be served has blonde hair and a wrench in her hands,
and I'm blonde too, and about twice your size.
So, still want to tell that joke?"
The blind man pauses for a second and says "No, I guess I don't", and sips his ale a couple of times before continuing "Not if I have to explain it five times".

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