Monday 20 August 2007

Put your hands up

As I was running down a fairly precarious mountain1 in the Peak District this weekend, with my tongue lolling out and my hands in the air, it occured to me that there's a distinct correlation between raising one's hands, and exuberant happiness.

Think about it, you see this phenomenon all the time; someone punching up at the air after some sporting or gaming achievement; the crowd reaction to a favoured musician coming onto/playing on stage; or most intuitively - thrill-seekers on a rollercoaster.

Now, given the human susceptibility to pyscho-somnia, the placebo effect et al, I think that this could really work the other way too.

So, next time you're doing something, anything, and you're wishing it was a bit more fun, throw your hands up in the air2 and expect a lot more enjoyment - you might just get it. Will recommends doing this during sex, though I didn't ask if that was a suggestion based on experience or not...


1 - I insist it was a mountain, though the map does seem to claim it was merely a hill
2 - Can anyone out there read that and not want to complete it with 'like you just don't care?'

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