Friday 31 August 2007

Embrace everything

Recently, I took a couple of decisions, and some actions off those decisions, that turned out to be not so great. In fact, they were pretty badly thought out and resulted in one or two people being very unhappy with me.

Once I've written, and you've read, the rest of this post, the fact that I'm being so vague here may seem very hypocritical, but as the method of fixing these bad decisions is to completely remove the associated actions from the internet (no mean feat, but it seems to have worked...), I'm hardly going to blog about it. If you ask me in person though, then I'm happy to tell you.

So, why am I telling you this? Me, the almighty, always right and quite frankly brilliant person? Well, it's actually to avoid some hypocricy. In the discussions with the person involved, I offered them some advice. I won't paste that verbatim below, as it was rather specific, but here's the gist of it:

You should own and embrace every action you take, no matter how positive or negative it is. Overzealous modesty over your achievements is just as harmful as attempting to hide the skeletons in your closet, as it conceals who you really are from the world. People can forgive a whole lot in a person, but the hardest thing to forgive is a breach of trust, and a close runner-up is secrecy and hidden facts. Be open and honest about everything you are - from irresponsible drunken jaunts to your greatest achievements, and not only will you gain respect, but you can also spend your time happily anticipating what is to come, rather than glancing backwards nervously at your past.

The context, by the way, of my poorly taken decision(s), was that I forced that philosophy upon someone, instead of letting them keep secret something they'd rather not have shared with the whole wide world. For most of the people I know who read this blog, it was no-one you know, by the way.

So, think about this...and let me know where that leads you.

Leave a comment, or read the 4 comments so far.

Anonymous said...

THat blog doesn't make a lot of sense to those that have no idea what happened. The philosophy was quite nice though, certainly could be used as a 'moral' on TV, although I must also say that I disagree somewhat with being totally honest to show who you are - it means you can't have any secretive people!

Ina said...

I'm well aware it doesn't make any sense, but unfortunately that's how it has to be.

Feel free to ask in person though :)

And, to clarify, the takeaway from this entry is the bit in italics - the rest is just a bit of context.

Anonymous said...

Good moral, although one could say (from the part of the blog entry *not* in italics) that said moral is not always the best course of action.

Perhaps the best philosophy is never to force a philosophy on anyone? Or is that self-referential hypocrisy?

(also: w00t, I can put a web page in this comment)

Ina said...

The 'perhaps' negates any hypocrisy, so you're safe there :)

I hold that the moral is the best course of action in any case that comes to mind, by the way, but that's just me...

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