Thursday 16 August 2007

ieSpell - No more typos

Some of the more astute amongst you may have noticed the odd typo creeping into my blog posts recently. If you were even more insightful you might have noticed this was around the time I started working for Microsoft, and therefore using Internet Explorer instead of my beloved Firefox.

The typos were due to one of the very few qualms I still have with Internet Explorer compared to Firefox, since the release of IE7.

Sure it's actually a secure browser now, and has a decent stab at the Acid Test, but I found IE to be really lacking in that it doesn't incorporate a spell checker into the browser, and doesn't have a great range of plug-ins like Firefox.

Well, wrong again it seems.

Having recently shown that Microsoft actually were ahead somewhere else on the web - custom search engines, I decided to try a quick Live Search (yes, really) to see if I could get a spell checker into IE.

Well, result #1 was ieSpell, a plug-in for Internet Explorer that incorporates a spell checker. Answering both of my troubles in one simple and effective product. Highly recommended, especially for those oV u daT tyP lIk dIs - because it would be so great to see your screens just fill up with red underlines whenever you posted on a forum :)

Leave a comment, or read the 1 comments so far.

cathy said...

Good job you don't believe you have a soul, or I would be convinced you had sold it - evangelisation become a full time occupation now?

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